SACEUR / Speeches & Transcripts / Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Curtis M. Scaparrotti on board the USS Harry S. Truman
Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Curtis M. Scaparrotti on board the USS Harry S. Truman
Moderator: Thank you. Welcome
this afternoon, very good to see you here. We will have some brief
statements from the Secretary General and then from General
Scaparrotti. Secretary General, please?
Stoltenberg [NATO Secretary General]: Good afternoon. It is really a great
pleasure and honour to be on board the USS Harry S. Truman. This is
an impressive carrier, with an even more impressive crew. From these
decks, the USS Truman projects power to keep us all safe. It
delivers deterrence every day. It helps keep our sea lines of
communication open and it has been critical in the fight against terrorism,
against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. So, I want to thank the crew of this
carrier for their service and dedication to duty.
This ship is
named after the US president who was in office when NATO was established back
in 1949. President Truman described our founding treaty, the NATO
founding treaty, as "a shield against aggression and the fear of
aggression". Today, the men and women of our Allied navies are a
vital part of that shield, protecting almost one billion people, and defending
their freedom. Our navies are working more closely than ever
together. So, this afternoon, I visited the Danish ship, Esbern
Snare, the flagship of one of NATO’s multinational naval
groups. NATO’s maritime presence is an essential part of our
strengthened deterrence and defence.
Over the coming
days, this ship will continue its journey towards Norway, the first time a US
carrier group has been in Norwegian waters since 1987. It will be
joined by around 60 other ships from across the Alliance taking part in the
exercise Trident Juncture, NATO’s biggest exercise in years, with around 50,000
personnel from all NATO countries, as well as Finland and Sweden. Trident
Juncture will test NATO’s collective response to an armed attack against one
To keep our
nations safe in an unpredictable world, we need to keep our Alliance
strong. We do need to have the training and we need to train together in
all domains; at sea, in air, on land and in cyberspace. The exercise
will test our high readiness forces, to ensure they meet the demanding
standards we set for them. And Trident Juncture will send a clear
message of Allied solidarity, that we are ready to protect all Allies against
any threat.
The Atlantic
Ocean is of fundamental value to our Atlantic Alliance. It is not a
barrier between Europe and North America – it is a bridge between the two
continents and we need to protect that vital link. So, we are
stepping up our efforts. We are setting up a new Joint Force Command
for the Atlantic in Norfolk, Virginia, the Truman’s home port, to ensure we
have the right forces, in the right place, at the right time.
So, thank you
once again, Captain Dienna and the crew of the USS Truman, for hosting us all
today. This ship embodies the naval power of the United States and
its presence here demonstrates the strong commitment of the United States to
our transatlantic bond. Thank you.
Moderator: Okay. Now General
Scaparrotti, please?
General Curtis M.
Scaparrotti [NATO SACEUR]: Thank you. Good afternoon and thanks for
joining us on this great ship here today. It's an honour to be at
sea with the officers, the chief petty officers and the sailors of the USS
Harry S. Truman, who are serving their nation and the NATO
Alliance. Today, we also had the opportunity to visit the flagship for
NATO's Standing Naval Maritime Group 1, the Royal Danish Navy's Esbern
Standing Naval
Maritime Group 1's continuous presence in the Baltic Sea and Atlantic provides
important situational awareness for our joint forces. While
conducting their routine schedule, the Group is also well placed to respond to
operational climates that may arise. The air defence exercise
conducted today was a good example of the regular training NATO Maritime Groups
undergo to ensure interoperability, readiness and agility of our Allied navies.
NATO has ships from Denmark, Portugal and Norway exercising with US ships and
aircraft in the North Sea. Earlier this week, the Group conducted
air and surface exercises with the French Navy and a week prior with the Royal
Navy as well.
The USS Harry
S. Truman brings a tremendous array of power to the security of the Alliance,
as demonstrated today. As Secretary General Stoltenberg just
mentioned, Harry S. Truman was the US President during the establishment of
NATO, over 70 years ago. President Truman famously said, and I
quote, "we are not only seeking to establish freedom from aggression and
from the use of force in the North Atlantic community, but we’re also actively
striving to promote and preserve peace throughout the
world". Now, these are words that well reflect NATO's goals
today. For example, the Alliance's surface and subsurface platforms, together
with our maritime patrol aircraft, are protecting the global commons and
freedom of navigation on behalf of all nations. Keeping the world
free from aggression also means ensuring the Alliance's postured and ready
forces focused on honing those capabilities that will improve our collective
defence and our ability to deter adversaries.
The upcoming
exercise, Trident Juncture 2018, ensures NATO forces can work together in time
of crisis. It will be an important test and, as you’ve seen today, a
demonstration of our collective capabilities. With all 29 nations, as well
as Finland and Sweden participating across air, land and sea, this talented…
this Trident Juncture exercise is a prime example of NATO Allies and partners
working together. Trident Juncture 18 will demonstrate that, in an
unpredictable world, NATO remains an anchor of stability.
Thanks again to
Rear Admiral Black, Commodore… and Captain Dienna, along with their crews,
their magnificent crews here, for hosting us today. I can't tell you
how extremely impressed I was; the crews that we saw here, the sailors that we
saw, their skill, their perseverance, and in trying conditions as
well. So, it's been a great day, thank you.
Moderator: Okay, thank you. We
have time for a couple of questions. Who wants to ask the first
Question [Sky
News]: Thank
you. I'm Deborah Haynes. I used to work for The Times
and, as of the last four weeks, I work for Sky News. Question for
the Secretary General first and then for the General. We've heard a lot about
increased Russian activity in the Atlantic. How will Trident
Juncture, you know, deter that kind of aggressive Russian
activity? And then a question for the General: we've seen Russia
conduct chemical warfare on the streets of Britain, we've had Britain, the
United States and other Allies call out GRU cyber operations across the
world. Is NATO ready for Putin, if he were to conduct some kind of
test of Article 5, some kind of incursion into NATO territory? How prepared and
ready is NATO to respond to that? Thank you.
Stoltenberg [NATO Secretary General]: Trident Juncture is a very important
exercise. It is the biggest exercise in many years in
NATO. It shows that we can work together, 29 Allies, two partners -
Sweden and Finland - with land forces, air forces and maritime
forces. And just the fact that we are able to deploy that many naval
forces in the Atlantic, in the Norwegian Sea, in the way we will do during the
Trident Juncture, show how NATO is able to deliver and also actually how NATO
has been able to adapt to a more demanding, to a more challenging security
environment. Because this is the first time since the 1980s that we have an
aircraft carrier like this, a US aircraft carrier, in Norwegian waters, as we
have then later on during the exercise, and also the first time we bring
together so many different forces in one big exercise. But NATO is a
defensive Alliance. Our deterrence and our defence, it's not there
to provoke a conflict, it is there to prevent a conflict. And we
strongly believe that the best way to prevent conflict is to show the unity and
the strength of the Alliance, as we do through the Trident Juncture exercise,
with all these excellent capabilities.
Then let me
also highlight the following, and that is that NATO has adapted to be able to
manage a more difficult security environment, and one of the important reasons
we have exercises like this, and one of the reasons why I really welcome the
presence of this aircraft carrier, the USS Truman, is that it shows the transatlantic
bond. It shows that North America stands together with Europe, and
the US security commitments to Europe are rock solid, and that’s something we
express through this exercise.
General Curtis M.
Scaparrotti [NATO SACEUR]: To your question about the security environment;
the Secretary General just noted the changing environment and the challenging
environment we're in. The examples you gave on Russia's part – illegal
activity, activity below the level of warfare, cyber etc., is an example of how
this environment's changed. And it is also one of the reasons that
we have to change. So, to the question are we ready, yes we're
ready. It's demonstrated here in the exercise that we’re
doing. Are we adapting? Yes, we’re adapting, because our
environment's changing and also because the character of warfare is
changing. So, in exercises like this, in Trident Juncture, we're
working hard to include the cyber domain, space, those kinds of activities…
that we have to practice and train on, as a multinational force,
multi-domain. The challenge of doing that across 29 nations makes
this complex, but you can see the proficiency here today. I was just
aboard a Danish flagship connected with ships from the United States, Portugal,
Norway, sharing a common picture, working on common operating procedures,
tactics and procedures, and doing quite well. So again, we’re ready
and we’re getting stronger every day.
Moderator: Okay, next question, NTB.
Question [NTB]: Johan Falnes, the Norwegian news
agency. So, this aircraft projects military strengths in a big
way. And when you come to Trident Juncture, and this is for both for
the General and for the Secretary General, when you come to Trident Juncture,
what will you do to try to balance it out, so as not to send an overly
aggressive signal, especially towards Russia? Thank you.
Stoltenberg [NATO Secretary General]: So, General Scaparrotti can perhaps reflect on some
of the operational parts of the exercise, because I will just say the
following, is that NATO is a defensive Alliance. But to deliver credible
deterrence, we need to show the strength of the Alliance and we need to show
the bond between North America and Europe. And that’s exactly what we do with
this exercise, and with the fact that we have so many nations working
This exercise
is partly about deterrence, but it is also about training our forces, making
sure they're able to work together, and it's also about certifying our high
readiness forces, the NATO Response Force. It is a very transparent
exercise. It has been a long time planned and a long time
announced. We have invited all the OSCE countries, the countries who
are a member of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe,
including Russia, to the exercise. They will be there observing the
So, defensive
Alliance, transparent exercise, with Russian observers, there is no provocation
in that. It is that all Allies, all nations have the right to
exercise their forces, and we do that in a very transparent and predictable
General Curtis
M. Scaparrotti [NATO SACEUR]: So, I would just add that the exercise scenario,
for instance, we are a defensive Alliance, it's a defensive scenario, Article
5. It is operational tactical. It is
conventional. The location that we do it, our posture of our forces,
all those things are factors that tells an experienced force like Russia that
this isn’t aggressive and it's not offensive. It is basically an
Alliance practicing what we need to practice to defend the Euro-Atlantic. I
would add to what the Secretary General said, this was initially announced five
years ago, this exercise, and the location it would take place. We
have had multiple press conferences on it. Norway and NATO has
briefed Russia on it, for instance. We have invited OSCE observers,
Russia included. All of those are things that signal… that are
transparent, but also signal the purpose of this exercise, and it's not one
that is threatening to them and I think, through all of those messages, that
should be clear.
Question [Belga
News Agency]: Yes,
Gérard Gaudin, Belga News Agency. I would like to ask you, when was
the decision taken to add the Truman and the carrier group to the
exercise? Is that a recent one or is that a very old decision?
General Curtis
M. Scaparrotti [NATO SACEUR]: We… in terms of this exercise, we did not
make the final decision until they had sorted actually, we knew that it was an
option. But we wanted to keep that option open, given the environment, and what
we thought was the best use for both deterrence and for training, for this
carrier strike group. So, it has been fairly recent in its final
Moderator: Any other
questions? No? Okay, thank you very much, ladies and
General Curtis
M. Scaparrotti [NATO SACEUR]: Thank you very much.
Stoltenberg [NATO Secretary General]: Thank you so much, and let me also thank Admiral
Black and Captain Dienna for hosting us here today, because this has been a
very good visit with an excellent service and very interesting for all of us who
have participated, so many thanks to you.
General Curtis
M. Scaparrotti [NATO SACEUR]: Excellent.